
Donation for Renovating Police Office of Kenten Village

Donation for Renovating Police Office of Kenten Village

As a business entity in oil palm plantations, PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk understands its responsibilities to the community around its operational area. The company consistently maintains good relations by always keeping in touch and communicating with the local community and the local government.

14 March 2022 , 15:38 WIB / news

Donation for Early Childhood Education and Development Program in Kenten Laut Village

Donation for Early Childhood Education and Development Program in Kenten Laut Village

PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk as an oil palm plantation company has four Sustainability Frameworks that are consistently applied. The four Sustainability Frameworks called HEEL, which consist of Health, Education, Environmental, and Local Capabilities.

10 March 2022 , 11:22 WIB / news

Alert Briefing and Fire Extinguishing Simulation at PT SSG and PT ABI

Alert Briefing and Fire Extinguishing Simulation at PT SSG and PT ABI

On Tuesday, February 15, 2022, an alert briefing and Fire Extinguishing Simulation were held in two subsidiaries of PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk, namely PT Sukses Sawit Gasing (PT SSG) and PT Abiputra Bina Inter (PT ABI).

16 February 2022 , 13:52 WIB / news

Remarkable Performance, PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk (CSRA) Net Profit Soared 129% in 2020

Remarkable Performance, PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk (CSRA) Net Profit Soared 129% in 2020

KONTAN.CO.ID - JAKARTA. PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk (CSRA) showed remarkable performance in 2020. CSRA managed to book revenue of Rp. 607.25 billion last year, an increase of 23.4% compared to the same period in the previous year.


06 May 2021 , 11:40 WIB / news

Facilitating Inter-Village Access, PT. Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk. Did a Bridge Construction

Facilitating Inter-Village Access, PT. Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk. Did a Bridge Construction

JAKARTA - Good access is a crucial supporting factor. Smooth and flat roads, safe access for road users can be the main capital to be able to interact with other areas. Both in terms of carrying out buying and selling and just to meet relatives.

26 April 2021 , 13:40 WIB / news