28 March 2022 , 14:03 WIB / news

Jakarta - Controlling forest and land fires is a major concern for plantation businesses. Hotspots monitoring and quick reactions are needed to keep the land safe from fires.

Entering the dry season in April, one of the subsidiaries of PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk namely PT Sukses Sawit Gasing (PT SSG) has held coaching and the creation of the Fire Control Farmers Group (KTPA

The creation of the Fire Control Farmers Group is a collaboration between PT Sukses Sawit Gasing and Kenten Laut Village as an effort to prevent forest and land fires in the operational plantation area.

The coaching was carried out to KTPA members by PT SSG's ISPO staff, Mr. Rudyanto includes the causes, monitoring, and controlling methods for dealing with fires properly and thoroughly.

In addition to the insights into forest and land fires, PT SSG also provides training on the use of fire extinguisher tools to the KTPA of Kenten Laut Village.

The fire extinguisher tools are a donation from PT SSG, such as water machines, hoses, complete uniforms for all KTPA members, etc. The donations were handed over by PR & Legal Manager Mr. Bram Ibrahim Lubis to the Village Head of Kenten Laut.

Forest and land fires must be controlled properly, with good insight and responsive action. This year we are committed to zero land fires for all of the Company's plantations.