14 March 2022 , 15:38 WIB / news

As a business entity in oil palm plantations, PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk understands its responsibilities to the community around its operational area. The company consistently maintains good relations by always keeping in touch and communicating with the local community and the local government.

In terms of regional safety, the Company appreciates the performance of the Kenten Village Police for creating a safe and comfortable environment for the community and business entity so that daily activities run without any harm.

On March 9, 2022, PT Cisadane Sawit Raya Tbk subsidiary, namely PT Sukses Sawit Gasing (PT SSG), located in Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra, has distributed donations to the Kenten Village Police Post which will be used to renovate operational offices.

The donation was given by the Public Relation & Legal Manager for the South Sumatra Region Mr. Bram Ibrahim Lubis and received by the Head of the Kenten Local Police, Aipda P. Napitupulu at the Kenten Village Police Post Office.

The company hopes that the donation can be useful for the renovation process of the Kenten Village Police Post so that later it will provide a new verve and comfort in carrying out community service.